Let's travel to the past of Indonesia


The Initial Conquest

In the early 16th century, Portuguese establish themselves on the Spice Island of the Moluccas and post the trade at that time. Initially, the Dutch control the trade of Spice Island with English in Indonesia archipelago. Until the end of 16th, after experiencing the 14-month difficult voyage that causes almost half people die on the way to Indonesia in 1596, the Dutch finally arrives at Bantern in Maluku. This voyage creates a new era; therefore in the following 10 years, there are 65 more Dutch ships come. (A) However, subsequently, the Dutch, the English and the Spanish grapple for the control of islands. Eventually, the Dutch emerge triumphant; they take possession of the Spice Islands, establish foothold in Jayakarta in 1619 and later begin the bloody control of clove producing in Celeves Island. (B) Monopolizing production of coffee, sugar, indigo, pepper, tea and cotton contribute a long run and well-built trade, while it helps The Dutch East India Company earn large profits at the end of 17th century; In order to manage the trade in well order, the government uses massive army and servants. Nevertheless, the desire of gaining power drive the Dutch to expand their control over the entire Indonesian archipelago. In a result, the government forces the local people, Java to grow crops, which helpes to earn profits for VOC. Unfortunately, by the end of the 18th century, the bankrupt of VOC , the largest commercial collapse in Indonesia History, lead the spice trade diminish. (A)

